Monday, September 19, 2016

Sugar "glucose" Glucose Analysis:

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | 7 comments

Glucose Glucose: is the main sugar in human blood is a source of energy for all body tissue.
The natural ratio of glucose to blood ranging from 70-110 mg per 100 ml of blood, provided that the human being is fasting for a period of 8-12 hours, this figure rises to 120-150 mg per 100 ml of blood after a meal materials carbohydrate This is called to rise Physiological blood sugar (Physiological Hyperglycaemia) and this increase does not soon return to normal level after fasting for two to three hours after eating. During fasting for a long time (12-18 hours) decreases the level of sugar in the blood to 60-70 mg per 100 ml of blood, and called the situation a "physiological decline of sugar in the blood" (Physiological Hypoglycaemia).
(A) Analysis of sugar (Aljokoz analysis):

It regulates the level of glucose in blood existence of a balance between the hormone insulin (Insulin) on the one hand and the work of anti-insulin hormones (Anti-Insulin) on the other. These hormones are anti-glucagon (Glucagon) and epinephrine (Adrenaline) glucose and cortisol (Glucocorticoid) and growth hormone (Growth Hormone) and finally thyroxine (Thyroxine).
Where it leads the work of the hormone insulin to lower blood sugar levels, while the work of anti-hormones lead to high blood sugar level.
Therefore there must be a balance between the work of each other's blood until the natural focus of sugar retains.
Generally, high or low blood sugar levels is evidence (symptoms) are not clear because of the metabolism abnormal glucose.
- Reasons for the high level of sugar in the blood satisfactory:
Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), the difference in the function of any of the following: the thyroid glands, adrenal and pituitary, and sometimes sugar rises in some liver diseases.
- The reasons for the low blood sugar level satisfactory:
Excessive insulin secretion, shortcomings in the work of the adrenal gland and the pituitary gland, and sometimes liver failure.
And declining sugar also with a bad use of drugs to reduce blood sugar, and at the time of the sensitivity of some people for certain meals.
The result of high and low blood sugar levels so-called "diabetic coma."
* Gebojh sugar:
There are two types of sugar coma:
A coma hyperglycemia (Hyperglycaemic Coma):
A condition in which man lose consciousness as a result of high sugar, and its causes are neglected sugar treat private first kind of it.
The sugar coma symptoms include:
One-Zeya breathing rate.
2-smell of acetone (which resemble smelled alcohol) by mouth.
3-pulse is rapid and weak, very much.
4-skin is dry and tongue as well.
It analyzes prove the existence of very high sugar in blood and urine and switched Also find ketone bodies (Ketones Bodies) (an alcoholic toxic compounds produced by the fermentation of sugar) in the urine. Doctors advised diabetics regulate sugar treatment and adherence to diet in the daily diets of non Tkarmthel this coma future.
B coma low sugar (Hypoglycaemic Coma):
Always occur with the use of sugar bad discount drugs, while neglecting some meals, which leads to a decrease in their blood sugar level of 60 mg per 100 ml of blood, leading to coma because the brain may be due to the high percentage of sugar.
Symptoms are:
1-normal rate of respiration.
2-mouth odor naturally.
3-pulse fast and powerful.
4-skin is wet due to severe perspiration.
In the analysis shows the low level of blood sugar, and its absence in the urine and the presence of ketone bodies in urine. And advised doctors in the occurrence of such a coma eating any carbohydrate, such as sugar molds, with the proper use of insulin injections, tablets treatment of diabetes, and not neglecting Alujat daily organized so as not to repeat such a coma, which is considered more dangerous than its predecessor because it may affect the brain cells (if It lasted more than 24 hours) that depend on glucose as the main source of energy.
(B) diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus):
It is a disease characterized by a high level of glucose in blood and its presence in the urine and frequency of urination and frequent hunger and thirst lot, as I have already mentioned, a major cause of diabetes mellitus is the ratio between the insulin and hormones, anti-insulin hormone deficiency.
* There are two types of diabetes:
(1) in treatment-dependent diabetes mellitus insulin (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) and abbreviated b (IDDM):
It is also called type I diabetes (TypeΙ) and usually occurs in pre-30-40 years old and a diabetic of this kind is usually thin and the level of insulin in blood is almost non-existent, handles only injected insulin, so called (IDDM), and this type can be genetically.
(2) diabetes, which does not depend on insulin in the treatment of diabetes (Non- Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) and abbreviated b (NIDDM):
The so-called type II diabetes (TypeП), which Absht of the first type, and usually occurs after the age of forty, and is characterized by the patient of this type of obesity, and there has insulin but does not produce sufficient quantity of the pancreas is not taken advantage of it because there is a shortage of insulin receptors in tissues, and also there is resistance to insulin. Usually it handles discount disks of sugar in the blood, which helps to existing insulin secretion in the pancreas.
The disorder is characterized by diabetes mellitus in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty protein and loss of equilibrium between the water and salts which affects the long-term (several years) on most parts of the body especially the nervous system, kidneys and eyes.
(C) special sugar tests:
1-analysis of sugar in the blood and urine:
There are several ways to detect sugar in the blood and urine, including:
• Depending on the strength of shorthand for sugar (glucose) it can use Vhlainj (Fehling) or Benedict solution (Rustico Rustico) for the detection of glucose in the urine, where their color turns blue to red precipitate with heating. Use strips (Strips) that contains the enzyme glucose dioxide (Glucose Oxidase) This is the most comprehensive and accurate than its predecessor analysis.
• The use of glucose analyzers (Glucose Analyzer) and this depends on the shorthand of glucose by the enzyme (Glucose Oxidase) and exit of oxygen which is estimated by measuring pole oxygen (Oxygen Electrode) and then measured electronically by these devices, This is the way of the most accurate methods of analysis glucose in medical laboratories.
2. random sugar analysis (Random Blood Glucose):
Interest only because it gives a general idea of ​​the level of sugar in the patient's blood, where the sample is analyzed at any time during the day, and the results of this analysis are taken into Taibb to evaluate the patient's condition.
3. fasting glucose analysis (Fasting Blood Glucose):
This analysis of the patient being so that the fasting of 8-12 hours a note to a normal level of sugar in the blood ranges from 70-110 mg per 100 ml of blood, if the ratio exceeds 120 it is a sign of the incidence of diabetes in the future, and if they exceed 130, this is a diabetic, and be sure of that re-analysis of the two or three consecutive periods of at least one week interval between each measurement.
4. Analysis of sugar two hours after eating (Post Prandial Blood Glucose):
This analysis is done on a patient after a normal meal (or 75 grams of glucose) and then we measure his blood sugar two hours after eating, the usefulness of this analysis is that it gives us an idea about the future occurrence of diabetes in this patient and whether you will need to sugar curve or no analysis. If the ratio exceeds 140 mg two hours after eating this indicates that there is an imbalance in the sugar return to normal.
5. glucose tolerance curve analysis (Glucose Tolerance Test):
The abbreviated b (GTT) conducted this analysis when there is a doubt in the incidence of diabetes, and give us an idea of ​​the risk of diabetes or not. In the analysis, it must be patient fasting from 8-12 hours, then take a blood sample and urine and then the patient deals with a dose of glucose amount of 75 grams (or 1 g per kilogram of patient weight) and then take a blood sample and urine every half hour for 3 hours and we measure sugar in each blood sample, and expose him in all urine samples.
In the natural curve shows that fasting glucose level of 70-110 mg, then up to the hilt and is 120-130 mg after an hour and a half and then come back to normal again after 2 to 3 hours, and could drop lower than normal and then back again to level natural that the so-called "ejaculate insulin" (insulin Shot) and caused increased secretion of insulin in some people. In diabetic curve shows that fasting glucose level of more than 130 and 180 mg than after an hour and a half and then fall again, but not up to the starting point within two hours and a half. If sugar levels did not return to normal within 2-3 hours, it is a sign of the possibility of infection and diabetes in the future knowing that fasting glucose normal.
6. glycated hemoglobin (Glycosylated Haemoglobin - HbA 1c):
Glycated hemoglobin is a protein (globulin) is linked with the iron in the group (Haem) and protein (hemoglobin) is linked to the sugar glucose and there are many types of hemoglobin, but what concerns us is the A1c because it is characterized by being linked with glucose, where a small percentage of hemoglobin does not exceed 5 - linked 10% of the hemoglobin blood Bjlokoz called this part linked (HbA1c).
Glucose link hemoglobin Batmd on its level in the blood ratio, the more Zhadat glucose proportion (HbA1c), but this link is slowly and ever-slowly, not sugar phones it affected diets and give us an indication of blood sugar during the lifetime of the red blood cells it is about 120 days, natural rate of between 5-8% and the increase in diabetes in the case of irregular treatment as well as in diabetes type I if the patient is in the need to increase the dose of insulin.
7. Alfrcktozaman (Fructosamine):
It is one of the latest and most accurate ways to detect the level of blood sugar in the period of 15-20 days prior to analysis when the patient's diabetes. This method is used to measure the proportion of glycoproteins (Glycosylated Proteins) and by measuring the ratio of Alfrcktozaman associated protein, and this analysis diets affected.
(D) Important tips for diabetic:
1. The patient awareness of the fact that diabetes is the basis of treatment.
2. The adoption of the diet and doing physical sport the most important medicine.
3. The patient should sugar seeks to reach the ideal weight gradually which calculates an approximate manner as follows (Height Balsntimitr subtractions from 103 kg for men or 105 kg for women) and the doctor is the one who determines the ideal weight of the patient by age, sex, height, weight, nature of work , the type of diabetes.
4. The daily walk half an hour twice or use stationary bike at home or do bodily movements quarter of an hour twice a day without stress helps in lowering blood sugar.
5. prefer to take a large glass of water before eating or drinking liter and a half of water a day.
6. body weight and must be recorded each week for weight control, and must be Aloakl at specific times, according to daily meals system without disturbance.
7. should be a lot of material in which the multiplication of fiber (vegetables).

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