Monday, September 19, 2016

(Salmonella Test (Widal Test

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | No comments

About the salmonella bacteria Summary of Salmonella:
Bacillary short bacilli, Gram-negative Gram negative bacilli, moving motile, do not be a non-capsulated capsule.
For salmonella bacteria more than 1,400 worshipers type serotypes, some can cause diseases to humans.
For salmonella bacteria several races the most important medically S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi which cause enteric fever, enteric fever
And the types of S. Typhimurium and S. Enteretidis that cause food poisoning and food poisoning colitis enterocolitis
And Type S. Choleraesuis which causes blood poisoning septicaemia
Serological properties Serological characters:
Salmonella bacteria contain three types of antigens and antigen are bacteria somatic body that is symbolized by the b (O antigen) and a whip flagellar and is symbolized by the B (H antigen) and the capsule (Portfolio) capsulate and symbolized by the (K antigen b)
These bacteria are resistant to the nurse natural immunity to the human body by preventing the phagocytosis and slurping and also secrete cm internal Endotoxin was excreted cm external Exotoxine
The principle of serological testing:
Testing conducted in a manner latex Latex Method, a sensitive way to a large extent if the test procedure under appropriate conditions are stacking direct method Direct Agglutination.
The principle of the test is to add antigens Reagent after treatment industrially to antibodies in the patient's serum agglutination Agglutination clearly going to happen with the naked eye.
Stacking the way for a better way of stacking the latex tubing segment but the ease and speed of conducting latex (slide) and also low cost him is prevalent when a lot of countries where this disease is endemic.
• should be noted Albroozon Prozone in the negative results of the test, where it is possible to give negative results, false False Negative due to the presence of high concentration of antibodies in the serum of competition for the link with antigens Reagent happen and thus stacking obviously does not happen, but avoid it work test to ease sample Dilution of sample until the amount of antibodies in the serum less and thus gives a good and clear results.
Vidal test Widal Test:

In this test is searched for anti own Salmonella antibodies of the type IgG and IgM in serum Serum patient, characterized by this test easily done and sensitivity if the testing work in a way to mitigate Dilution, and test Vidal is the species S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi only or the rest of the species it better disclosure in the manner of Agriculture Microbiology Laboratory, as I mentioned earlier, the test looks for antibodies formed from entering the antigens of the body affected and the most important of these antigens O antigen (body bacteria somatic) and H antigen (whip bacterial flagellar).
These antigens are several types of medically important for it to be disclosed to test Vidal, namely:
For O antigen are four types of OA and OB and OC, and OD
For H antigen are four types of HA and HB and HC and HD
Action procedure1 WidalTest test method:
Attend all solutions Reagents and patient samples (serum Serum) at room temperature.
2. placed 20 microliter of Positive control in the first chamber Well latex segment and 20 microliter of Negative control in the second room in order after the departure of the comparison test with Alkntrul results and ensure that the solutions Reagents safe and suitable for use.
3. uses eight compartments for each sample (there are eight types of antigen) by placing 20 microliter of serum Serum Well every room.
4. blends latex solutions containing antigens for all types of salmonella eight tumble then taken 40 microliter (one drop Drop) of it to each chamber containing the patient's serum.
5. Mix blends in a circular motion using the appropriate sticks.
6. latex slice placed on the Shaker rocking for 1-3 minutes stacking under suitable light shows and after this time is taken as a result of the start of the sample drought may lead to the emergence of false positive Positive False.
• (+): the occurrence agglutination Agglutination (Ab-Ag Reaction)
• (-): the lack of agglutination Non Agglutination (Ab-Ag Non Reaction)
• In the event of an agglutination Agglutination must be done to mitigate the sample Dilution of Sample:
• Preferably work to mitigate the pipes Tubes and placed in each tube 100 microliter of the Normal Saline and placed in the first tube 100 microliter of serum Serum sample and mix and transferred to the second tube 100 microliter and so to another tube in the dilution tubes then transferred from each tube 100 microliter to cabins in latex slice and add the solution Reagents all cabins Wells.
• The score another easing back of the positive interaction (+) as an end result of the test (the amount may vary and method of alleviating the manufacturer of another company).

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