Definition of immune Definition of Immunity:
The body in response to each foreign substances (antigens) and sometimes some of the body's own components, and the disposal of foreign material and remove the harmfulness and its effects on the body.
HIV is mainly divided into two main types:
First, non-specific immune Non Specific Immunity:
Called natural immunity Natural Immunity which exists in the human since birth, which is slang immunity ie not specialized and quality against a specific object, but considered general immunity protects the body from the invasion of exotic material objects, such as attacking the white blood cells and various macrophage exotic organisms and microbes killed by some secretions such as secretions the stomach as well as the human skin, which is the largest defense point of the first point.
Second, specific immunity Specific Immunity:
It called acquired immune Acquired Immunity which arise as a result the body is exposed to a particular substance or microbe immunity and therefore the quality is composed against this object or any foreign substances No man since birth and it acquires during life.
Divided between specific (acquired) Specific Immunity (Acquired) into two types:
1. humoral immune Humoral Immunity:
They own immune B cells B Cells Immunity active formation of antibodies that are associated with materials and exotic objects and kill and prevent harm to the body.
- Antigens Antigens: UFOs are substances that enter the body and recognize them and resist and may succeed or not succeed enters the body in a satisfactory condition.
- Antibodies Antibodies: are protein molecules formed by the body as a result of exposure to antigens in order to eliminate the antigen (a substance or strange object) called antibodies also immune Balglupulinat Immunoglobuline divided Alglupulinat immune to these five species which is explained below:
A. IgG: Aker Alglupulinat is present in the blood by 80% and is the only globulin which crosses the placenta from mother to fetus is gradually increasing at the rump until it reaches the highest level at the age of 7 years, which is important in the fight against bacterial and viral infections.
B IgM: is the largest immune Alglupulinat where consists of five units the first Alglupulinat immune appears when exposure to any antigen and disguises himself with the emergence of IgG They are found in the blood and lymph fluid.
(C) IgA: do not know the function of this globulin completely, but he is away displays the body of many infectious diseases, and autoimmune diseases and found antibodies of the IgA in the areas of the body such as the nose and trachea and Digestive and ears and eyes and vagina. There are also IgA antibodies from the surface of the body that are exposed to foreign exotic materials protect the species. I also found this type of antibodies in saliva, tears and blood. There IgA in the body by about 10% to 15% of the antibodies in the body.
D. IgD: do not know her job well present in small quantities in the tissues lining the abdomen or chest.
E. IgE: I found IgE antibodies in the lungs, skin and mucous membranes. Cause the body's reaction to fight against external influences such as dust and dust-laden vaccine plants and fungus spores and animal dander. He spoke in sensitivity to milk and some medicines and some toxins. IgE antibody levels are often elevated in people who suffer from allergies.
Immunoglobuline - Alglupulinat
2. cellular immunity Cell Mediated Immunity:
They own immune T cell T Cells Immunity, who works on the composition of lymphoid cells that attack any strange object and substance in the body and include the following types:
A. Antigen Presenting Cells: They do not Monocytes and Macrophages and cells Langer Hans in the skin and other cells and this gnawing Alanejan or UFOs and put it on the surface and the ability of cells to the secretion of interleukin-1, or the so-called Interleukin1.
B Lymphocyte T Cells: are found in the blood of 80% of Lymphocyte cells and working on the analysis of cells infected with viruses and cancer cells also regulate the cells in the immune system works and is divided into two sections:
- Helper cells (T helper cells (Th: carry on their surface receptors CD3, CD2 and most important receptors is carried by CD4.
- Toxic cells (T cytotoxic cells (Te: and carry on their surface receptors CD3, CD2, CD8.
(C) Lymphocyte B Cells: are found in the blood by about 15% of Lymphocyte cells and contain surface Alglupulinat immune when union antigenic cell based cell process coverage and containment of the antigen in order to in order to enter into the cell antigen.
(D) Natural Killer Cells: cells are large granular lymphocyte Granular form a toxic cells against cells infected with viruses or cancer cells and others.
(F) Granular Leukocytes: include types Neutrophiles, Eosinophiles, Basophils This is an essential function of cells to defend the body and then to kill and destroy germs.
Cell Mediated Immunity - cellular immunity
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