Monday, September 19, 2016

Places arterial blood withdrawn and venous and capillary

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | No comments

Drawing blood capillary Blood Capillary Extraction:
Blood is drawn by capillary perforating head fingers (Banan) or earlobe in adults and in infants clipped toe or big toe or sole of the foot by a scalpel spear Puncture.
And is withdrawn blood sample capillary clean clouds area and wipe with a cotton drenched by alcohol Aathlee or alcohol isopropanol 70%, then prick the thumb with a scalpel Ramahi quickly and lightness occurs wounded depth 1-2 mm and bent thumb Vindf blood profusely and if the blood did not come out raising the compression bandage and shaking the hand to the bottom and top several times. Then re-connect the compression bandage again and deter thumb Vindf blood, then put absorbent capillary horizontally on emerging from the wound a drop of blood and leaves the blood rushes in sucking up to the required mark and collect drops of blood in a tube test capacity of 15 mm containing a mild tension means Isotonic of sulfate sodium sorbent with washing several times with the solution itself and transferred to a centrifuge to separate it and use centrifuges of the horizontal type devices to prevent broken capillary tubes.

The withdrawal of venous blood Blood Venipuncture Extraction:
Venous blood draws usually from the veins in the arm or attached by a dry needle and sterile ready for use once and preferably a warm arm and the person in a comfortable position and apply compression bandage around the upper arm gently and be between the shoulder and elbow, to be pressed thin and then cleans the skin in place to be and the prick of cloth dampened with medical alcohol and leave to dry a little bit, then emptied the needle from the air to pull tamper and pushed him repeatedly to expel all the air inside the needle, then holding facility with the left hand and placed her thumb on the vein which Syuhz away from the place of acupuncture 2 cm and then stuck the needle by hand Yemen to nurse or laboratory technician between the thumb and three fingers and then the needle inserted into a vein pinch one to be the end of the needle bevel pointing upwards Vindf blood to the needle as a result of the withdrawal of MDC needle and when withdrawn from 5-10 ml of blood which is the required amount usually raises compression bandage and put a piece of sterile cotton alcohol on the place of acupuncture and then withdraw the needle from the vein gently, and then the blood is placed in a test tube extruded to create separated.
Withdrawal of arterial blood Blood Arterial Puncture Extraction:
Rarely asked to withdraw the blood of an artery, except in a few cases, such as requiring blood gas examination or study the difference between the level of glucose in the blood artery and venous blood. As is known, the blood-like artery blood capillary.

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