Anti Nuclear Antibodies:
Analysis of ANA an acronym Anti Nuclear Antibodies which is underneath each antibody for each component enters the nucleus, such as Anti DNA and other and be positive for people diagnosed with SLE, which is diagnostic of non-existence in the adverse event while in the positive case for the test is not a diagnostic No prove Infection with SLE but may stagnate the presence of the disease, and will be positive in some infections, such as chronic hepatitis chronic Active hepatitis colitis and cystic primary biliary primary biliary cirrhosis, and be the result of a negative test for non-infected people.
Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies:
Analysis of abbreviated b AMA always this test is required to confirm the diagnosis of cystic primary biliary occurrence of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and the proportion is less and quality for Chronic Active Hepatitis and SLE and Rheumatoid Arthritis and the result is a negative test non-infected persons.
Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies:
ASMA be abbreviated as the positive dependents in cases of anemia and chronic hepatitis Chronic Active Hepatitis and be positive in the medium cases of acute hepatitis Acute Viral Hepatitis and chronic gastritis Chronic Gastric and be negative test result in the non-infected people.
- All of these tests are done in a manner immunofluorescence Indirect Indirect Immunofluorescent.
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