Monday, September 19, 2016

Blood definition is simple with its components

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | No comments

Blood is a dark viscous liquid fills the blood vessels and rushes to all parts of the body thanks to the contraction of the heart muscle. Functions of blood:
The process of breathing: blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, as well as the generated carbon dioxide from the Activity tissues to the lungs in the exhaled air Nutrition: Preliminary blood carries nutrients absorbed by the intestine to different cells to be used in necessary for the activity of the body energy production.
O operation:

The blood carrying harmful waste remaining as a result of metabolism in the body and through the output devices Kalkly skin Vikhals including the body through urine and sweat.
Functions of blood:
HIV: blood contains white blood cells, which holds the protection as it produces antibodies that play a key role in protecting the body and protect him from disease
The water balance of the body: moving water easily between different body fluids means and means of cells between the cells and helps the blood in maintaining water balance in the body to carry excess water to output devices so that there is a balance between what we get from the water through food and drink and what we lose through urine and sweat
Regulate body temperature: the blood absorbs heat from the muscles and internal organs and as it moves them to the external members and under the skin the body can get rid of excess heat by radiation and pregnancy and evaporation.
Regulate metabolism: blood carries hormones and some important materials necessary to regulate the metabolism in the body. Remember osmotic pressure of the blood and other tissues: thanks proteins plasma This pressure is needed to save the blood volume and composition of tissue fluid, urine, blood installation * blood means red has a volume of about 5-6 liters per adult, which consists of a liquid called plasma which swims three types of cells she :
1. red blood cells.
2. white blood cells.
3. platelets.
If prevent blood from clotting and to leave aside, we find that the cells fall to the bottom of the high density plasma, leaving at the top of the liquid transparent italic yellowing was found that the size of the cells = 45% of the blood,
The size of the plasma is 55% and this is called a hematocrit value
RBCs: the balls in the form of a concave discs biplane her thin wall and have no nucleus, and contains inside the hemoglobin which is a compound of iron, protein and hemoglobin is the one who gives blood its red color and characteristics of this compound is that it is easy Federation oxygen, therefore, called RBCs oxygen carrier and the number of red blood cells in a man about five million cells in a cubic millimeter in the number of women it is about four and a half million cubic millimeter. When saturated with oxygen red color becomes pours so as to be material Alotxohimocalobin This happens when blood comes high pressure oxygen as occurs in the lungs and when Alootxohimocalobin exposed to low pressure of oxygen as occurs in the tissue it loses part of Okseginh becomes blood color tilted to cyanosis and hemoglobin also combine with the carbon dioxide in the tissues and abandon him in the lungs and therefore we find blood in the arteries while the red color is found tilted to the blue of the veins.
Place the formation of red blood cells:
It begins with the formation of red blood cells from the fourth week of pregnancy and until the sixth month than in the spleen and liver, and in the last three months of pregnancy these balls formed in the bone marrow and the little ones in the spleen and liver. In children and adults, red blood cells formed in the red bone marrow in the bone located flatfish Kaazam face, shoulder and skull and ribs, spine and long ends of the bones in the body Kazmh thigh and upper arm.
The fate of the red blood cells:
This lead balls and function for a limited period of time which is about 120 days, and then pick up the balls that Hermt spleen and broken the analyzes come out of a hemoglobin are also analyzing hemoglobin to form bile pigments discarded blood expulsion with yellow sap. And the blood cells that break immediately replaced by new cells in the bone marrow.
The formation of red blood cells factors:
Factors that must be met:
First, so that the formation of red blood cells:
A - must be a bone marrow intact, so if an illness or injury to any damage as it happens in the case of exposure to X-ray atomic Owalahaaat or some toxins, this leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells.
B - must contain food for iron component that enters in the synthesis of hemoglobin iron found in spinach, beans, apples, meat, egg yolks, if the iron is not available in the food or the body has been unable to take advantage of iron in the food becomes the color of blood lackluster and this is what happens in one species anemia and easily treated by giving the patient drugs containing iron compounds.
C - it must contain food vitamin B-12, known as factor inhibitor for malignant anemia has been found that this vitamin combines with another factor which is intrinsic factor, which is secreted by the stomach and then absorbed from the intestine and stores in the liver to be used by the bone marrow and this vitamin is very important to complete the growth of cells red blood functions of red blood cells
A - by hemoglobin oxygen carrying red blood cells from the lungs to tissues and carrying carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs to get rid of it.
B - maintaining the hemoglobin inside the red blood cells so as not to degrade and turn into bile pigments or excreted in the urine. C - the red blood cells play an important role in regulating blood reaction. White blood cells and white cells differ lack of hemoglobin, but it is characterized by the presence of a nucleus, and in fact, the original color of these cells is transparent, but as a result of the reflection of light, they are showing under the microscope in white.
The number of cells: numbering from 4,000 to 10,000 per cubic millimeter of blood types of white cells in the blood can distinguish five types of white cells under a microscope, and this distinction depends on the shape of the nucleus and its divisions and the dye gained by the cell type.
A - grainy cells include: (Granulo cytes) * Niotrovil Neutrophil cells: represent about 60% of the total number - are gaining red dye * Aizinovil cells: This represents approximately 1-3% of the total number - are gaining blue dye.

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