Monday, September 19, 2016

Vitamin D

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | 1 comment

The sun was the source of life throughout the ages, but that some people worshiped them for their ability to heal diseases, where the ancients used to put patients under the sun to seek healing, believing they are gods that respond to their calls. This aspect of the history of the sun's healing ability erected by the gods for some tribes. The intimate relationship between the objects and the sun continued but troubled relationship between them and humans, where Raj as the main cause of skin cancers. This shift has made the sun a mortal enemy for some people and led fueling this hostility dermatologists and had exhibitions of them classified as a traitor. This may seem an exaggeration, but really, where Dr. Michael Hulk was forced to resign from his position at Boston University in the United States after a full service contract because of the urging of the people of exposure to the sun without protection ointments for one-third of an hour to get vitamin D. This happened in 2004, but the world after about contract realized that Dr. Hulk research was realistic and become a problem of vitamin D deficiency associated with numerous diseases from osteoporosis and many types of cancers and heart and even weight gain, depression, and this is by a long series of scientific research, which focused all their energies to the study of vitamin d and its impact on the body.

Still Hulk interviews and even fights dermatologists who are closing their eyes to the studies and research that refutes their claims after these conflicts emerged estimated Hulk and his clinic to treat many diseases related to osteoporosis and rickets, where he became the first reference to the treatment of these cases and has become a way therapeutic for this type of disease is in vogue and followed by most of the doctors around the globe.
This definition Dr. Hulk is very important the fact that his name became associated with vitamin D and everything related to it and the fact that subsequent information, mostly adapted from his books and his research published in the American scientific journals.
Before information is listed in the form of points titled Facts About Vitamin D, I want to explain that there would be deepened in the refutation of the theory that the sun's rays cause skin cancers are not being controversial in the Arab world point. The focus will be on their relationship to manufacture vitamin D and the role of this vitamin or hormone as he calls Hulk in the vital processes in the body, the most important absorption of calcium deficiency which causes osteoporosis, which is hardly devoid woman from disease!
Facts You Should Know About Vitamin D:
1. What is this vitamin?
He knew about vitamins that the body needs in small amounts to work properly lead, but the situation with vitamin D is totally different, where he became classified Kahrmon. The hormones are substances secreted by the body to stimulate the chemical processes that take place inside the body to perform vital functions. This is the case with vitamin D, where it was discovered that each cell in the human body contains receptors for vitamin D found in blood. , Which in turn refers to the importance of this vitamin for all cells of the body without exception.
2. Vitamin D and calcium absorption and the relationship of the liver, kidney, thyroid and skin in the way of work and production.
Carry sunlight various types of radiation and one of these species is called the ultraviolet rays of type B, which stimulates the receptors on the skin when the crash directly - without glass barriers - to stimulate the chemical processes that produce the so-called vitamin D3 and take this product the way to the liver where it is converted into what is known as spokesman 25l-hydroxy-d, which is considered the most important indicator must be examined in the laboratory to get a full idea about the level of vitamin d in the body. After that the role of the kidneys to convert the product 25l-hydroxy-D comes down to what is known as 1,25l-OH2-D this process and are the influence of hormonal stimulation and by the parathyroid gland (parathyroid gland). Product 1,25l-OH2-D completes the journey to the intestine to stimulate the absorption of calcium to maintain bone building process and metabolic processes, as well as neuromuscular functions in the body! See attached figure for further clarification.
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3. Other roles for vitamin D actors.
From the above it clears the large and important role to the sun to get this vitamin and the importance of vitamin D in the absorption of calcium to avoid osteoporosis, but is this the end of the story?
Certainly not the end. The presence of receptors for the vitamin all cells of the body makes it hard to believe that the role of vitamin D is limited to the absorption of calcium and that's what the research proved almost conclusively.
* Study showed in 2008 that 94% of women with breast cancer suffer from a severe lack of vitamin D. Another study indicated that the risk of colon, prostate, breast and ovarian cancer at least 50% in case of a dose of vitamin D by 1000 mg per day.
* The chest, colon and prostate cells similar work to the work of the kidneys to produce 1,25l-OH2-D but the only difference is that this is a special manufacturing cells producing and surroundings unlike the kidneys. This explains so much the relationship between vitamin deficiency and cancers in these cells.
* D.holk indicates he noticed he and his team a big development in the psychological state of cancer patients when adjusting the levels of vitamin D have.
* As for heart disease, studies indicate that the high level of 25l-OH-D in the blood reduces the incidence of heart attack by 57%.
* D.holk noteworthy that exposing people with high blood pressure to ultraviolet B radiation, leading to improvement in their condition!
* This applies to certain immune diseases and depression.
4. Is the only source of vitamin D is the sun?
Of course not. Some foods and dietary supplements contain vitamin D, but exposure to the sun is the best source for vitamin D as Mainottagh skin of this process can stay in the blood for a period of weakness Maeetm obtained from capsules are complementary, ensuring the continuation of the vitamin a high level throughout the year. The intake of vitamin D capsules may result in poisoning if the dose is increased, and what can not happen through the sun's rays and if D.holk rule out a poisoning by the fact that needs a very high dose.
Food Kosmak wild salmon contain a ratio of up to 1000 mg per share, while canned ones do not exceed 600 mg. As well as tuna contains about 230 mg per share, and there is a kind of dried mushrooms sun and called Hestaca contains a high percentage of vitamin up to 1600 mg, and of course, milk and dairy products contain varying proportions and be shown on the cans with the knowledge that it does not exceed 100 mg per cup.
It is worth mentioning that the cooking method does not affect the vitamin D in foods except for frying fish.
This puts the option to go to sun exposure and vitamin D capsules is imperative to obtain the required levels of vitamin D to maintain bone health and other functions.

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Translated from the book of the vitamin D solution
5. What is the appropriate duration of exposure to the sun to get vitamin D? What are the best way?
D.holk mentions that the duration and time of sun exposure linked to several factors, the most important person site For example, people living in the city of Ottawa in Canada -oualemdn which are located on the same other sections of the line are not welcoming rays needed to produce vitamin D in the period from November to February which means no need for exposure to the sun at all at the time and is the only source of what has been produced in the previous months or eating vitamin d capsules, while living in the city of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia routinely receives these rays throughout the year.
Other factors in terms of skin color whenever the darkening of the skin increased requests more time to sit under the sun's rays.
Therefore D.holk provides an easy way to determine the necessary time to sit under the sun's rays are as follows:
The time between the hours of 10:00 to 15:00 and is measured how long skin redness where after direct exposure to sunlight shall be the appropriate time to sit a half or a quarter of that time to three days a week at least. And have exposure directly without any eyebrow with the importance of the largest possible area of ​​the feet and hands at least revealed with flip cover being does not constitute only 9% of the skin area.
Hulk also recommends eating food supplementing vitamin D in the form of capsules per day by 1000 mg for adults and children greater than a year with the exposure to sunlight and to ensure that diets contain the vitamin.
# Final points:
1. Rays needed to manufacture vitamin D naturally do not reflect the glass and fabrics than necessary with direct exposure of the skin to get the desired result.
2. When you perform a blood test to measure the level of vitamin Make sure that the analysis is the name 25d (OH) -D because it is the most important indicator.
3. If you take vitamins capsules are grouped (multivitamins) Do not try to be a dose of vitamin D increase by eating other capsule of this kind the fact that this will lead to an overdose of other vitamins, consisting of complementary and which may be fatal if exceeded its highest and most dangerous Vitamin A. So capsules of vitamin D specifically addressed.
This topic remains complex and can not shortcut all the trends, but what I thought was clarified its importance, and we are honored to respond to inquiries about the points in the event of available information.
By / Hamoud Al-Sudais

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