Monday, September 19, 2016

Introduction to the salts and minerals analysis

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | No comments

@ Sodium Sodium - Na +:
Sodium is an essential element the body needs to maintain good health which exist naturally in most foods, it is also added to foods to save them or to change the bitter taste, most people think that sodium and salt are one thing, and that's not true, Valsodiom in fact constitute almost half of the salt content, and it is therefore a source of food, and here is how to interpret the low-sodium diet is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in food.
Sodium is a positive ion Cation (is a chemical element that carries a positive charge) President in the fluid outside the cells, including the plasma.
 Ranges of sodium in the blood level of 135-145 mmol / l
Sodium plays a key role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of the blood and the consequent organize the exchange of fluids between the blood vessels and abroad sodium and move to within cells or the loss of the body leads to a decrease in the fluid outside the cells, the size of which affects the blood circulation and function of the kidneys and nervous system.
- Increasing the level of sodium in the blood in the following cases:
• When the body has a large amount of water, such as drought and disease excessive urination urine-like disease, diabetes insipidus, where the patient urinated per day more than five liters of urine.
• When you take a large amount of sodium, such as taking a large amount of sodium chloride solution 0.9% intravenously.
• In cases of a disease which is characterized by Khnj secrete a large amount of Alkotizul, where cortisol is working on the re-absorption of sodium in the kidneys.
• Excessive use of the drug cortisone.
- At least the level of sodium in the following cases:
• use of diuretic drugs.
• sweat that compensates only drink water.
• severe kidney disease.
• congestive heart failure.
• loss of sodium in the digestive tract by vomiting, diarrhea or intestinal surgical slot.
• cirrhosis of the liver.
• diabetes.
• Addison's disease, with less secretion of the hormone aldosterone.
• lack of secretion of the hormone antidiuretic which occurs in the urine diabetes insipidus.

- Low-sodium diet food:
The best way to follow a low sodium JAMMEH food is a balanced diet includes some milk, meat, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables, there are many rules to be followed, including:
- Do not add any salt during preparation as well as during eating
- Must read the names of the food components of canned foods and affixed to those canned goods as well as make sure they do not contain salt or any other items bearing the word sodium
@ Potassium Potassium K +:
Potassium is a positive ion president within cells and measured in the blood of the most important measurements and the most vulnerable to precision and so extreme importance in the effect of potassium on the heart muscle.
Potassium level in the serum or plasma of between 3.5-5 mmol / L, and this concentration determines neuromuscular excitement, therefore, increase or decrease the concentration of potassium impedes the ability of muscles to contract.
- Increasing the level of potassium in the blood in the following cases:
• Some kidney diseases, such as kidney failure and urinary blockage.
• laceration tissues, such as injuries, where grinding out a large amount of potassium from inside the crushed cells into the blood at the same time less efficient kidneys.
• violent contraction of the muscles, which leads to potassium exit out of the muscle cells, for example, cases of convulsion.
• Addison's disease, with little or no hormone aldosterone, which leads to a lack of exchange of sodium potassium in the kidney.
• Diabetes is the processor, where less efficient because of the sodium pump not to exploit a source of glucose needed to work this pump energy.
- At least the level of potassium in the blood in the following cases:
• potassium loss with constant diarrhea and vomiting.
• use of diuretic drugs.
• coma hyperglycemia treatment of insulin-potassium intake without him.
• Malicious use of steroids.
• Use of laxatives.
• High blood calcium.
• Increase the hormone aldosterone.
@ Chloride Chloride - CL:
Is a chloride ion cathode President outside the cells, which is very important in maintaining the acid-alkaline balance and plays with sodium an important role in regulating the osmotic balance of body fluids.
 The chloride concentration in serum or plasma is between 95-105 mmol / liter.
- Increase the level of chloride in the blood in the following cases:
 When breathing rate, and it happens in cases of high fever and aspirin poisoning, anxiety and fear, as the increasing proportion of the chloride with the use of large doses of ammonium chloride and potassium chloride, as well as in the case of dehydration.
- At least the level of chloride in the blood:
Slow respiratory rate (such as morphine poisoning cases) constant and severe vomiting, diarrhea and chronic disease, diabetes, untreated and in the adrenal gland disease and kidney failure.
• Note: In the case of high blood pressure patient is advised approach. Minimizing, or refrain from eating salt (sodium chloride) because it helps high blood pressure rate.
@ Calcium Calcium Ca ++:
Calcium is one of the most important elements in the human body, which play a large role in most biological processes, where it enters in the composition of the skeleton has a key role in the transmission of nerve signals and natural contraction of the muscles and the blood clot and activate certain enzymes and organize the work of some hormones.
It ranges blood calcium level between 5.8 to 3.10 mg per hundred ml of blood (1.2 to 6.2 mmol / liter).
50% of this figure (calcium) is free in the blood and is responsible for most of the functions and 0.45% protein carried on a private albumin (albumin) and 5% in the form of calcium citrate.
- Increase the level of calcium in the blood in the following cases:
• Hyper function of thyroid gland neighbor
• Some tumors that secrete chemicals that are similar to the thyroid gland hormone neighbor at her job
• Some bone tumors
• no movement for a long time
• increased intake of vitamin D.
- At least the level of calcium in the blood in the following cases:
• deficiencies in the function of the thyroid gland is under way
• A lack of vitamin "d" such as cases of rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults
• diseases leading to poor digestion and absorption
• Acute pancreatitis
• acute and chronic renal failure
• diarrhea fatty
Analysis of calcium in the urine also has value in certain situations, such as Akleniech cases of hyperthyroidism and thyroid function of the thyroid is under way.
 Natural ratio of calcium in the urine, ranging from 50-150 mg / 24 hours.
• low calcium diet food:
The best way to reduce the calcium is to drink at least three liters of fluid a day like tea, coffee, fruit juice, and stay away from drinking well water or regular water, which often contain a high concentration of calcium and it is best to drink healthy water and bottled, either foods is permitted they (cheese, milk, milk, cream, ice cream, sardines, shellfish, soy, Homs, liver, kidneys, chocolate, olives, okra, parsley, spinach, Khaddrmorkh, mussels, figs, lemon, orange acid, peach, Joseph Effendi, seeds, beans, nuts and nut).
@ Inorganic phosphorus Inorganic Phosphorus:
Phosphorus is a vital element is very important in the human body, where it enters with calcium in bone formation and there are also some types of proteins, fats and enters in the composition of some enzymes escorts Coenzymez
Some sources of energy stored in a composite image of a pregnant Energy ATP ATP
Ranging phosphorus levels in children between 4-7 mg per 100 ml of blood (3.1 to 3.2 mmol / L)
Ranging phosphorus level in adults between 3 - 4.5 mg per liter of blood (1 - 1.5 mmol / L)
Inorganic phosphate concentration in the blood is influenced by the function of the thyroid gland is under way, the work of vitamin D, the process of absorption of the bowel, kidney function and bone metabolism and nutrition.
- Rising levels of phosphorus in the blood in the following cases:
• acute and chronic renal failure
• hypothyroidism neighbor thyroid
• Taking vitamin "d" a large amount
• During the healing of fractures
- At least the level of phosphorus in the blood in the following cases:
• Hyper function of thyroid gland neighbor
• cases of rickets and osteomalacia
• cases of poor digestion and absorption
• rely on nutrition intravenously intravenously for a long time
• During recovery from sugar coma
• give insulin
@ Magnesium Magnesium - Mg ++:
Is the second element after intracellular potassium magnesium element, in addition to his participation in the bone formation it affects nerve and muscle excitation and response also has a major role in stimulating the work of some enzymes, and some of the symptoms of magnesium muscle cramps, weakness and lack of focus shortages.
 Ranges of magnesium in the blood level of between 8.1 to 5.3 mg / 100 ml of blood (0.9 - 1.75 mmol / L)
- Increase the level of magnesium in the blood in the following cases:
• acute and chronic renal failure
• overdose of magnesium treatment
• Liver diseases
• taking a large dose of glucose
• Balaaksalat poisoning
- At least the level of magnesium in the blood in the following cases:
• chronic diarrhea
• constant hunger
• Continuous intake of alcohol
• chronic hepatitis and liver laziness
• The use of drugs for urinary
• nutrition intravenously through a vein for a long time

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