Monday, September 19, 2016

Gram Stain

Published by Unknown on Monday, September 19, 2016  | No comments

Is the Gram stain of the most important types of pigments used in hospitals to identify the bacteria. And thanks to the doctor discovered with the original Danish Hans Christian Gram, who was working in the laboratory of anatomy's Hospital Berlin in 1880 for the birth of the year. Where he developed a way to help him distinguish the types of bacteria that cause pneumonia (Pneumonia), where she was one of the types of bacteria pigmentation red-colored and named it (gram negative bacteria) and the other is blue (gram-positive bacteria). And the color depends bacteria in the Gram stain on the chemical composition of the cell wall.
• When you add the dye reactions:
When you add Crystal violet to the slide show this dye into the cell wall, and when you add iodine solution Iodine Solution reacts with Crystal violet to be a compound called Crystal violet - Iodine complex When adding alcohol Alcohol enters the cell wall. If the first compound capable of soluble in alcohol it will dissolve and go outside the cell wall and thus voiding the cell wall of a dye once you add your Safranin in red, they will enter into the cell wall and colored so that the bacteria is negative gram If the compound I is insoluble in alcohol is the Crystal violet will prove in the cell wall when adding Safranin you will not find a place inside the cell to prove it and so Taku positive bacteria gram.
• The difference between bacteria Gram Positive and negative:
Is the wall of the chemical cell where Gram Positive contain security acids less than negative Gram installation and Maud contain fatty in negative bacteria gram higher than positive for gram, and the cell wall in bacteria Gram Positive less complicated than negative bacteria as the cell wall in bacteria gram positive consists of two layers, namely layer Almukubeptad mucopeptide and known as peptidoglycan and the second layer is composed of Alticoiak teicoic acid acid, while the cell wall of negative bacteria gram consisting of three layers is a layer Almukubeptad mucopeptide and known as peptidoglycan and layer fatty sugary lipo polysaccharides and fatty layer protein lipo protein.

Cell wall of bacteria positive and negative Gram
• Using the dye:
1. Install bacterial commentator.
2. Add the dye crystals violet Crystal violet for a minute and then washed with water (mild stream).
3. add iodine Iodine Solution for a minute and then washed with water (mild stream).
4. Alcohol add alcohol for 20 seconds and then washed with water (mild stream).
5. Add the Elsafranin Safranin for 30 seconds and then washed with water (mild stream).
6. slide dried and then scanned.

Explain the steps and the dye color to dye the latter with differences

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