Monday, September 19, 2016


Vitamin D

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The sun was the source of life throughout the ages, but that some people worshiped them for their ability to heal diseases, where the ancients used to put patients under the sun to seek healing, believing they are gods that respond to their calls. This aspect of the history of the sun's healing ability erected by the gods for some tribes. The intimate relationship between the objects and the sun continued but troubled relationship between them and humans, where Raj as the main cause of skin cancers. This shift has made the sun a mortal enemy for some people and led fueling this hostility dermatologists and had exhibitions of them classified as a traitor. This may seem an exaggeration, but really, where Dr. Michael Hulk was forced to resign from his position at Boston University in the United States after a full service contract because of the urging of the people of exposure to the sun without protection ointments for one-third of an hour to get vitamin D. This happened in 2004, but the world after about contract realized that Dr. Hulk research was realistic and become a problem of vitamin D deficiency associated with numerous diseases from osteoporosis and many types of cancers and heart and even weight gain, depression, and this is by a long series of scientific research, which focused all their energies to the study of vitamin d and its impact on the body.

Still Hulk interviews and even fights dermatologists who are closing their eyes to the studies and research that refutes their claims after these conflicts emerged estimated Hulk and his clinic to treat many diseases related to osteoporosis and rickets, where he became the first reference to the treatment of these cases and has become a way therapeutic for this type of disease is in vogue and followed by most of the doctors around the globe.
This definition Dr. Hulk is very important the fact that his name became associated with vitamin D and everything related to it and the fact that subsequent information, mostly adapted from his books and his research published in the American scientific journals.
Before information is listed in the form of points titled Facts About Vitamin D, I want to explain that there would be deepened in the refutation of the theory that the sun's rays cause skin cancers are not being controversial in the Arab world point. The focus will be on their relationship to manufacture vitamin D and the role of this vitamin or hormone as he calls Hulk in the vital processes in the body, the most important absorption of calcium deficiency which causes osteoporosis, which is hardly devoid woman from disease!
Facts You Should Know About Vitamin D:
1. What is this vitamin?
He knew about vitamins that the body needs in small amounts to work properly lead, but the situation with vitamin D is totally different, where he became classified Kahrmon. The hormones are substances secreted by the body to stimulate the chemical processes that take place inside the body to perform vital functions. This is the case with vitamin D, where it was discovered that each cell in the human body contains receptors for vitamin D found in blood. , Which in turn refers to the importance of this vitamin for all cells of the body without exception.
2. Vitamin D and calcium absorption and the relationship of the liver, kidney, thyroid and skin in the way of work and production.
Carry sunlight various types of radiation and one of these species is called the ultraviolet rays of type B, which stimulates the receptors on the skin when the crash directly - without glass barriers - to stimulate the chemical processes that produce the so-called vitamin D3 and take this product the way to the liver where it is converted into what is known as spokesman 25l-hydroxy-d, which is considered the most important indicator must be examined in the laboratory to get a full idea about the level of vitamin d in the body. After that the role of the kidneys to convert the product 25l-hydroxy-D comes down to what is known as 1,25l-OH2-D this process and are the influence of hormonal stimulation and by the parathyroid gland (parathyroid gland). Product 1,25l-OH2-D completes the journey to the intestine to stimulate the absorption of calcium to maintain bone building process and metabolic processes, as well as neuromuscular functions in the body! See attached figure for further clarification.
238 = 6361-vitamin_d_production_img_1

3. Other roles for vitamin D actors.
From the above it clears the large and important role to the sun to get this vitamin and the importance of vitamin D in the absorption of calcium to avoid osteoporosis, but is this the end of the story?
Certainly not the end. The presence of receptors for the vitamin all cells of the body makes it hard to believe that the role of vitamin D is limited to the absorption of calcium and that's what the research proved almost conclusively.
* Study showed in 2008 that 94% of women with breast cancer suffer from a severe lack of vitamin D. Another study indicated that the risk of colon, prostate, breast and ovarian cancer at least 50% in case of a dose of vitamin D by 1000 mg per day.
* The chest, colon and prostate cells similar work to the work of the kidneys to produce 1,25l-OH2-D but the only difference is that this is a special manufacturing cells producing and surroundings unlike the kidneys. This explains so much the relationship between vitamin deficiency and cancers in these cells.
* D.holk indicates he noticed he and his team a big development in the psychological state of cancer patients when adjusting the levels of vitamin D have.
* As for heart disease, studies indicate that the high level of 25l-OH-D in the blood reduces the incidence of heart attack by 57%.
* D.holk noteworthy that exposing people with high blood pressure to ultraviolet B radiation, leading to improvement in their condition!
* This applies to certain immune diseases and depression.
4. Is the only source of vitamin D is the sun?
Of course not. Some foods and dietary supplements contain vitamin D, but exposure to the sun is the best source for vitamin D as Mainottagh skin of this process can stay in the blood for a period of weakness Maeetm obtained from capsules are complementary, ensuring the continuation of the vitamin a high level throughout the year. The intake of vitamin D capsules may result in poisoning if the dose is increased, and what can not happen through the sun's rays and if D.holk rule out a poisoning by the fact that needs a very high dose.
Food Kosmak wild salmon contain a ratio of up to 1000 mg per share, while canned ones do not exceed 600 mg. As well as tuna contains about 230 mg per share, and there is a kind of dried mushrooms sun and called Hestaca contains a high percentage of vitamin up to 1600 mg, and of course, milk and dairy products contain varying proportions and be shown on the cans with the knowledge that it does not exceed 100 mg per cup.
It is worth mentioning that the cooking method does not affect the vitamin D in foods except for frying fish.
This puts the option to go to sun exposure and vitamin D capsules is imperative to obtain the required levels of vitamin D to maintain bone health and other functions.

238 = 6362-m5zn_cea89e678c43ec8
Translated from the book of the vitamin D solution
5. What is the appropriate duration of exposure to the sun to get vitamin D? What are the best way?
D.holk mentions that the duration and time of sun exposure linked to several factors, the most important person site For example, people living in the city of Ottawa in Canada -oualemdn which are located on the same other sections of the line are not welcoming rays needed to produce vitamin D in the period from November to February which means no need for exposure to the sun at all at the time and is the only source of what has been produced in the previous months or eating vitamin d capsules, while living in the city of Riyadh in Saudi Arabia routinely receives these rays throughout the year.
Other factors in terms of skin color whenever the darkening of the skin increased requests more time to sit under the sun's rays.
Therefore D.holk provides an easy way to determine the necessary time to sit under the sun's rays are as follows:
The time between the hours of 10:00 to 15:00 and is measured how long skin redness where after direct exposure to sunlight shall be the appropriate time to sit a half or a quarter of that time to three days a week at least. And have exposure directly without any eyebrow with the importance of the largest possible area of ​​the feet and hands at least revealed with flip cover being does not constitute only 9% of the skin area.
Hulk also recommends eating food supplementing vitamin D in the form of capsules per day by 1000 mg for adults and children greater than a year with the exposure to sunlight and to ensure that diets contain the vitamin.
# Final points:
1. Rays needed to manufacture vitamin D naturally do not reflect the glass and fabrics than necessary with direct exposure of the skin to get the desired result.
2. When you perform a blood test to measure the level of vitamin Make sure that the analysis is the name 25d (OH) -D because it is the most important indicator.
3. If you take vitamins capsules are grouped (multivitamins) Do not try to be a dose of vitamin D increase by eating other capsule of this kind the fact that this will lead to an overdose of other vitamins, consisting of complementary and which may be fatal if exceeded its highest and most dangerous Vitamin A. So capsules of vitamin D specifically addressed.
This topic remains complex and can not shortcut all the trends, but what I thought was clarified its importance, and we are honored to respond to inquiries about the points in the event of available information.
By / Hamoud Al-Sudais
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Introduction to endocrinology and hormones

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This is a simple introduction to the hormones and the endocrine and Affersadtha and we will address later in more detail about it and all the hormone alone.
Endocrine Endocrine glands:
The endocrine system (in addition to the nervous system) to control the functions of the body and is glands Aguenoah ductless secrete chemicals called hormones, hormones tend to direct the blood, hence the glands are called the internal secretion, and must be the production of these hormones in the quantities so that its functions perform best. If the secretion of the hormone increased the body's need for, or the lack of it will lead to an imbalance in the job, which may cause symptoms vary from satisfactory hormone to another.

Endocrine glands in vertebrates are:
1. pituitary gland pituitary gland.
2. hypothalamus hypothalamus.
3. pineal gland pineal gland.
4. thyroid thyroid gland.
5. parathyroid parathyroid glands.
6. adrenal gland (the adrenal) adrenal (suprarenal).
7. genital gonads (ovaries in the female ovary and testis in the male testis).
8. placenta (during pregnancy) (The deaf gland where the three secrete hormones and is also considered Guenoah gland that secrete pancreatic juice).
9. pancreas pancreas (the gland is deaf, where the three secrete hormones and is also considered Guenoah gland that secrete pancreatic juice).
10. mucosa of the stomach and intestines gastrointestinal mucosa
11. kidneys kidneys.
Hormones Hormones:
You can hormone defined as a chemical that is produced and stored inside the gland cells do not Guenoah, and stems of this hormone into the blood as soon as the signal physiological physiological signal, which may result from the change in the concentration of some blood contents (such as calcium or glucose) or the arrival of the nerve signal neural signal. Through the bloodstream, the hormone travels to the target organ.
The hormones can be divided according to their chemical composition into three groups:
1. peptide hormone or protein composition peptide or protein hormones.
2. Sterodah steroid hormones hormones.
3. hormones derived from the amino acid amino acid-related hormones.
* It should be noted that there are hormones Effersan from many areas of the body and the two prostaglandins and prostaglandin leptin leptin.
(A) prostaglandin prostaglandin:
Prostaglandins prostaglandins secrete small quantities of most tissues of the body and is one of the hormones that affect the place of secreted local hormones, although some can be launched from anywhere secretion into the circulation, which are formed from fatty acids, lipids. And prostaglandins have many functions, including controlling the secretion of other hormones, and the related process of blood clotting blood clotting and also some of the functions associated with reproduction reproductive function. Among the many effects in the body also its role in tissue injury tissue injuries response. It is known that the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs anti-inflammatory drugs. Such as aspirin, aspirin is through its ability to inhibit prostaglandins manufacturing.
(B) leptin Leptin:
Leptin hormone secreted into the blood by the tissues of the fat cells, presumably now that the leptin hormone linked to obesity or obesity obesity, which affects especially in the brain linked to appetite, and also through its effect on the metabolism of fatty substances in the body of the object receptors, and thus it is organizing body weight by regulating adipose tissue weight.
Factors that affect the activity of hormones:
- The age factor, for example, the concentration of hormones is when young people than in older people
- Pathological conditions (endocrine diseases)
Measuring the levels of hormones:
Most hormone levels measured using: -
- Radioactive isotopes Radio Immuno Assay (RIA)
- Method of Enzyme Immuno Assay enzymes (EIA)
- Way fluorescent Fluorescence Immuno Assay (FIA measurement)

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Anaemia Type

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Simple definition of anemia and forms:
Anemia: is either a decrease in the number of red blood cells or decrease in hemoglobin Hb or decrease in both.
Anemia fall into three main sections:
First: Normocytic Normochromic Anaemia and meaning of this phrase: that hateful shape and size normal and abnormal hemoglobin Hb too. But minus the number of red blood cells for several reasons:

1. Acute or chronic bleeding, because bleeding Haemorrhagic loses blood leading to the loss of red blood cells shall be minus number.
2. College Renal disease because the disease college if hit by the disease will lead to an imbalance in the hormone Erythropoiten catalyst for the production of cells in the red bone marrow leading to a decrease in the number of red blood cells and this hormone is secreted from the college.
3. anemia analytical Haemolytic anaemia and has several sections I will talk about the future, God willing, the Almighty.
4) Bone marrow faluir which the bone marrow fails to produce red blood cells for any reason, and this leads to a decrease in red blood cells.
Second: Microcytic Hypochromic Anaemia and meaning of this phrase: that hateful shape and size of a small hemoglobin Hb few too. And for several reasons:
1. a decrease in iron Iron deficiency anaemia, and iron component of hemoglobin Hb, Venqassan iron is a decrease in hemoglobin Hb
2. a decrease of (protoporphyrin) Sidroplastic anaemia component of hemoglobin Hb, Venqassanh called a decrease of hemoglobin Hb
3. both types of alpha and beta-Thalassemia, a genetic defect is located in Zhlobin alpha or beta chains leading to a decrease in its composition and thus reduces hemoglobin Hb
Third: Macrocytic Normochromic anaemia and meaning of this phrase: that hateful form a large size, hemoglobin Hb normal. And for several reasons:
1. a decrease in vitamin 12 Vitamin B12 deficiency.
2. It is decreasing Folic acid deficiency
3. This is called malignant anemia Pernicious.
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Sickling Test

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The goal of the test:
This test determines the presence of sickle cell anemia or lack of it, and sickle cell anemia cases of anemia, in which red blood cells appear in the form of a sickle.
And that because of the amount of Alimo Zhlobin abnormal that lead to deposition on the crystal form in the case of lack of oxygen in the blood which gives red blood cells sickle shape
There are two ways to detect sickle cell laboratory:
The first way to use Sickling solution lotion - (Solubility Method) 1:
* The method of work:

1. placed 2 mm of the solution Sickling solution in a test tube clean.
2. placed 25 microliter blood sample slowly to the previous solution.
3. ETT is moving very gently until combined amount of blood in solution.
4. leave the tube for 5 minutes at room temperature 'and then read the result after that.
* How to read the result:
- When there is turbidity in the tube so that if two lines are put in black as a backdrop to the tube can not be seen clearly considered a positive result.
- If the net or appealing tube and can see the lines are considered negative result.
* Explain the impact of the solution:
Sickling solution the solution works to break down red blood cells and thus in the presence of hemoglobin (S) of the solution becomes turbid because this type of hemoglobin in solution for Aivob (Sickling solution).
In the case of a normal hemoglobin, it dissolves in the solution and become Tube net.
The second way to use the glass slide (slide):
* The method of work:
1. a drop of blood placed in the middle of a clean glass slide.
2. placed the slide cover (Cover glass) in a manner to prevent air bubbles are under the hood.
(In the case of air bubbles can be pressure on the lid until the bubbles out).
3 is placed (Vaseline or wax or Alkenda balm) on the edges of the (Cover glass) until air Aatserb to the inside.
4. leave the glass slide in incubation at 37 ° C for 24 hours.
5. After incubation examine the slide under the microscope lens oily.
* How to read the result:
- In the case of positive red blood cells take the form of a sickle.
- In the negative case does not change the form of red blood cells and remain as they are.
* Explain what is happening in this way:
Prevent the (Cover glass) with a wax on the outer edges him from entering the oxygen to the inside as the increase in the period of incubation for 24 hours lead to oxygen under the slide the cover consumption (Cover glass) and thus in the case of red blood cells sickle it deposition occurs hemoglobin inside them as a result of lack of oxygen made in the form of giving them a machete.
In the case of a natural red blood cells, it can not happen when the change in the form of lack of oxygen.
It is added to the solution (Sodium dithionite) to the blood drop this solution helps to pull oxygen from the blood and thus lead to take the red sickle shape in a short period of blood cells, and in this case can read the test result within an hour of time.
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Sugar "glucose" Glucose Analysis:

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Glucose Glucose: is the main sugar in human blood is a source of energy for all body tissue.
The natural ratio of glucose to blood ranging from 70-110 mg per 100 ml of blood, provided that the human being is fasting for a period of 8-12 hours, this figure rises to 120-150 mg per 100 ml of blood after a meal materials carbohydrate This is called to rise Physiological blood sugar (Physiological Hyperglycaemia) and this increase does not soon return to normal level after fasting for two to three hours after eating. During fasting for a long time (12-18 hours) decreases the level of sugar in the blood to 60-70 mg per 100 ml of blood, and called the situation a "physiological decline of sugar in the blood" (Physiological Hypoglycaemia).
(A) Analysis of sugar (Aljokoz analysis):

It regulates the level of glucose in blood existence of a balance between the hormone insulin (Insulin) on the one hand and the work of anti-insulin hormones (Anti-Insulin) on the other. These hormones are anti-glucagon (Glucagon) and epinephrine (Adrenaline) glucose and cortisol (Glucocorticoid) and growth hormone (Growth Hormone) and finally thyroxine (Thyroxine).
Where it leads the work of the hormone insulin to lower blood sugar levels, while the work of anti-hormones lead to high blood sugar level.
Therefore there must be a balance between the work of each other's blood until the natural focus of sugar retains.
Generally, high or low blood sugar levels is evidence (symptoms) are not clear because of the metabolism abnormal glucose.
- Reasons for the high level of sugar in the blood satisfactory:
Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), the difference in the function of any of the following: the thyroid glands, adrenal and pituitary, and sometimes sugar rises in some liver diseases.
- The reasons for the low blood sugar level satisfactory:
Excessive insulin secretion, shortcomings in the work of the adrenal gland and the pituitary gland, and sometimes liver failure.
And declining sugar also with a bad use of drugs to reduce blood sugar, and at the time of the sensitivity of some people for certain meals.
The result of high and low blood sugar levels so-called "diabetic coma."
* Gebojh sugar:
There are two types of sugar coma:
A coma hyperglycemia (Hyperglycaemic Coma):
A condition in which man lose consciousness as a result of high sugar, and its causes are neglected sugar treat private first kind of it.
The sugar coma symptoms include:
One-Zeya breathing rate.
2-smell of acetone (which resemble smelled alcohol) by mouth.
3-pulse is rapid and weak, very much.
4-skin is dry and tongue as well.
It analyzes prove the existence of very high sugar in blood and urine and switched Also find ketone bodies (Ketones Bodies) (an alcoholic toxic compounds produced by the fermentation of sugar) in the urine. Doctors advised diabetics regulate sugar treatment and adherence to diet in the daily diets of non Tkarmthel this coma future.
B coma low sugar (Hypoglycaemic Coma):
Always occur with the use of sugar bad discount drugs, while neglecting some meals, which leads to a decrease in their blood sugar level of 60 mg per 100 ml of blood, leading to coma because the brain may be due to the high percentage of sugar.
Symptoms are:
1-normal rate of respiration.
2-mouth odor naturally.
3-pulse fast and powerful.
4-skin is wet due to severe perspiration.
In the analysis shows the low level of blood sugar, and its absence in the urine and the presence of ketone bodies in urine. And advised doctors in the occurrence of such a coma eating any carbohydrate, such as sugar molds, with the proper use of insulin injections, tablets treatment of diabetes, and not neglecting Alujat daily organized so as not to repeat such a coma, which is considered more dangerous than its predecessor because it may affect the brain cells (if It lasted more than 24 hours) that depend on glucose as the main source of energy.
(B) diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus):
It is a disease characterized by a high level of glucose in blood and its presence in the urine and frequency of urination and frequent hunger and thirst lot, as I have already mentioned, a major cause of diabetes mellitus is the ratio between the insulin and hormones, anti-insulin hormone deficiency.
* There are two types of diabetes:
(1) in treatment-dependent diabetes mellitus insulin (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) and abbreviated b (IDDM):
It is also called type I diabetes (TypeΙ) and usually occurs in pre-30-40 years old and a diabetic of this kind is usually thin and the level of insulin in blood is almost non-existent, handles only injected insulin, so called (IDDM), and this type can be genetically.
(2) diabetes, which does not depend on insulin in the treatment of diabetes (Non- Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) and abbreviated b (NIDDM):
The so-called type II diabetes (TypeП), which Absht of the first type, and usually occurs after the age of forty, and is characterized by the patient of this type of obesity, and there has insulin but does not produce sufficient quantity of the pancreas is not taken advantage of it because there is a shortage of insulin receptors in tissues, and also there is resistance to insulin. Usually it handles discount disks of sugar in the blood, which helps to existing insulin secretion in the pancreas.
The disorder is characterized by diabetes mellitus in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty protein and loss of equilibrium between the water and salts which affects the long-term (several years) on most parts of the body especially the nervous system, kidneys and eyes.
(C) special sugar tests:
1-analysis of sugar in the blood and urine:
There are several ways to detect sugar in the blood and urine, including:
• Depending on the strength of shorthand for sugar (glucose) it can use Vhlainj (Fehling) or Benedict solution (Rustico Rustico) for the detection of glucose in the urine, where their color turns blue to red precipitate with heating. Use strips (Strips) that contains the enzyme glucose dioxide (Glucose Oxidase) This is the most comprehensive and accurate than its predecessor analysis.
• The use of glucose analyzers (Glucose Analyzer) and this depends on the shorthand of glucose by the enzyme (Glucose Oxidase) and exit of oxygen which is estimated by measuring pole oxygen (Oxygen Electrode) and then measured electronically by these devices, This is the way of the most accurate methods of analysis glucose in medical laboratories.
2. random sugar analysis (Random Blood Glucose):
Interest only because it gives a general idea of ​​the level of sugar in the patient's blood, where the sample is analyzed at any time during the day, and the results of this analysis are taken into Taibb to evaluate the patient's condition.
3. fasting glucose analysis (Fasting Blood Glucose):
This analysis of the patient being so that the fasting of 8-12 hours a note to a normal level of sugar in the blood ranges from 70-110 mg per 100 ml of blood, if the ratio exceeds 120 it is a sign of the incidence of diabetes in the future, and if they exceed 130, this is a diabetic, and be sure of that re-analysis of the two or three consecutive periods of at least one week interval between each measurement.
4. Analysis of sugar two hours after eating (Post Prandial Blood Glucose):
This analysis is done on a patient after a normal meal (or 75 grams of glucose) and then we measure his blood sugar two hours after eating, the usefulness of this analysis is that it gives us an idea about the future occurrence of diabetes in this patient and whether you will need to sugar curve or no analysis. If the ratio exceeds 140 mg two hours after eating this indicates that there is an imbalance in the sugar return to normal.
5. glucose tolerance curve analysis (Glucose Tolerance Test):
The abbreviated b (GTT) conducted this analysis when there is a doubt in the incidence of diabetes, and give us an idea of ​​the risk of diabetes or not. In the analysis, it must be patient fasting from 8-12 hours, then take a blood sample and urine and then the patient deals with a dose of glucose amount of 75 grams (or 1 g per kilogram of patient weight) and then take a blood sample and urine every half hour for 3 hours and we measure sugar in each blood sample, and expose him in all urine samples.
In the natural curve shows that fasting glucose level of 70-110 mg, then up to the hilt and is 120-130 mg after an hour and a half and then come back to normal again after 2 to 3 hours, and could drop lower than normal and then back again to level natural that the so-called "ejaculate insulin" (insulin Shot) and caused increased secretion of insulin in some people. In diabetic curve shows that fasting glucose level of more than 130 and 180 mg than after an hour and a half and then fall again, but not up to the starting point within two hours and a half. If sugar levels did not return to normal within 2-3 hours, it is a sign of the possibility of infection and diabetes in the future knowing that fasting glucose normal.
6. glycated hemoglobin (Glycosylated Haemoglobin - HbA 1c):
Glycated hemoglobin is a protein (globulin) is linked with the iron in the group (Haem) and protein (hemoglobin) is linked to the sugar glucose and there are many types of hemoglobin, but what concerns us is the A1c because it is characterized by being linked with glucose, where a small percentage of hemoglobin does not exceed 5 - linked 10% of the hemoglobin blood Bjlokoz called this part linked (HbA1c).
Glucose link hemoglobin Batmd on its level in the blood ratio, the more Zhadat glucose proportion (HbA1c), but this link is slowly and ever-slowly, not sugar phones it affected diets and give us an indication of blood sugar during the lifetime of the red blood cells it is about 120 days, natural rate of between 5-8% and the increase in diabetes in the case of irregular treatment as well as in diabetes type I if the patient is in the need to increase the dose of insulin.
7. Alfrcktozaman (Fructosamine):
It is one of the latest and most accurate ways to detect the level of blood sugar in the period of 15-20 days prior to analysis when the patient's diabetes. This method is used to measure the proportion of glycoproteins (Glycosylated Proteins) and by measuring the ratio of Alfrcktozaman associated protein, and this analysis diets affected.
(D) Important tips for diabetic:
1. The patient awareness of the fact that diabetes is the basis of treatment.
2. The adoption of the diet and doing physical sport the most important medicine.
3. The patient should sugar seeks to reach the ideal weight gradually which calculates an approximate manner as follows (Height Balsntimitr subtractions from 103 kg for men or 105 kg for women) and the doctor is the one who determines the ideal weight of the patient by age, sex, height, weight, nature of work , the type of diabetes.
4. The daily walk half an hour twice or use stationary bike at home or do bodily movements quarter of an hour twice a day without stress helps in lowering blood sugar.
5. prefer to take a large glass of water before eating or drinking liter and a half of water a day.
6. body weight and must be recorded each week for weight control, and must be Aloakl at specific times, according to daily meals system without disturbance.
7. should be a lot of material in which the multiplication of fiber (vegetables).

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Ammonia in the blood two main sources:
First Source: the effect of bacteria in the large intestine on nitrogenous material, leading to the formation of certain amounts of ammonia.
The second source: the demolition of amino acids in the body process, when the intervention of ammonia portal vein or blood circulation is fast becoming in the liver to urea, and so the body gets rid of the toxic effects of ammonia on brain cells, and therefore increasing the concentration of ammonia during advanced liver disease, especially when intake large proteins, or if there is bleeding bowel.
Blood ammonia level ranges between 10-110 micrograms / 100 ml blood (15-65 mmol / liters).
- Alamuena rise in the blood level in the cases:
1. liver failure.
2. liver arch operations (Liver Bypass), a surgery of blood vessels arrived in the portal vein during which intravenous cava without passing through the liver, and to be branded (Portacaval Shunt).
3. cases of cirrhosis (in the final stages), especially after eating a diet rich in protein.
4. During the bloody gastrointestinal bleeding.
- At least the level of ammonia in the blood:
1. During the famine of sustainable (Starvation).
2. During rely on nutrition intravenously through a vein, and that do not contain amino acids.

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Introduction to the salts and minerals analysis

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@ Sodium Sodium - Na +:
Sodium is an essential element the body needs to maintain good health which exist naturally in most foods, it is also added to foods to save them or to change the bitter taste, most people think that sodium and salt are one thing, and that's not true, Valsodiom in fact constitute almost half of the salt content, and it is therefore a source of food, and here is how to interpret the low-sodium diet is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in food.
Sodium is a positive ion Cation (is a chemical element that carries a positive charge) President in the fluid outside the cells, including the plasma.
 Ranges of sodium in the blood level of 135-145 mmol / l
Sodium plays a key role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of the blood and the consequent organize the exchange of fluids between the blood vessels and abroad sodium and move to within cells or the loss of the body leads to a decrease in the fluid outside the cells, the size of which affects the blood circulation and function of the kidneys and nervous system.
- Increasing the level of sodium in the blood in the following cases:
• When the body has a large amount of water, such as drought and disease excessive urination urine-like disease, diabetes insipidus, where the patient urinated per day more than five liters of urine.
• When you take a large amount of sodium, such as taking a large amount of sodium chloride solution 0.9% intravenously.
• In cases of a disease which is characterized by Khnj secrete a large amount of Alkotizul, where cortisol is working on the re-absorption of sodium in the kidneys.
• Excessive use of the drug cortisone.
- At least the level of sodium in the following cases:
• use of diuretic drugs.
• sweat that compensates only drink water.
• severe kidney disease.
• congestive heart failure.
• loss of sodium in the digestive tract by vomiting, diarrhea or intestinal surgical slot.
• cirrhosis of the liver.
• diabetes.
• Addison's disease, with less secretion of the hormone aldosterone.
• lack of secretion of the hormone antidiuretic which occurs in the urine diabetes insipidus.

- Low-sodium diet food:
The best way to follow a low sodium JAMMEH food is a balanced diet includes some milk, meat, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables, there are many rules to be followed, including:
- Do not add any salt during preparation as well as during eating
- Must read the names of the food components of canned foods and affixed to those canned goods as well as make sure they do not contain salt or any other items bearing the word sodium
@ Potassium Potassium K +:
Potassium is a positive ion president within cells and measured in the blood of the most important measurements and the most vulnerable to precision and so extreme importance in the effect of potassium on the heart muscle.
Potassium level in the serum or plasma of between 3.5-5 mmol / L, and this concentration determines neuromuscular excitement, therefore, increase or decrease the concentration of potassium impedes the ability of muscles to contract.
- Increasing the level of potassium in the blood in the following cases:
• Some kidney diseases, such as kidney failure and urinary blockage.
• laceration tissues, such as injuries, where grinding out a large amount of potassium from inside the crushed cells into the blood at the same time less efficient kidneys.
• violent contraction of the muscles, which leads to potassium exit out of the muscle cells, for example, cases of convulsion.
• Addison's disease, with little or no hormone aldosterone, which leads to a lack of exchange of sodium potassium in the kidney.
• Diabetes is the processor, where less efficient because of the sodium pump not to exploit a source of glucose needed to work this pump energy.
- At least the level of potassium in the blood in the following cases:
• potassium loss with constant diarrhea and vomiting.
• use of diuretic drugs.
• coma hyperglycemia treatment of insulin-potassium intake without him.
• Malicious use of steroids.
• Use of laxatives.
• High blood calcium.
• Increase the hormone aldosterone.
@ Chloride Chloride - CL:
Is a chloride ion cathode President outside the cells, which is very important in maintaining the acid-alkaline balance and plays with sodium an important role in regulating the osmotic balance of body fluids.
 The chloride concentration in serum or plasma is between 95-105 mmol / liter.
- Increase the level of chloride in the blood in the following cases:
 When breathing rate, and it happens in cases of high fever and aspirin poisoning, anxiety and fear, as the increasing proportion of the chloride with the use of large doses of ammonium chloride and potassium chloride, as well as in the case of dehydration.
- At least the level of chloride in the blood:
Slow respiratory rate (such as morphine poisoning cases) constant and severe vomiting, diarrhea and chronic disease, diabetes, untreated and in the adrenal gland disease and kidney failure.
• Note: In the case of high blood pressure patient is advised approach. Minimizing, or refrain from eating salt (sodium chloride) because it helps high blood pressure rate.
@ Calcium Calcium Ca ++:
Calcium is one of the most important elements in the human body, which play a large role in most biological processes, where it enters in the composition of the skeleton has a key role in the transmission of nerve signals and natural contraction of the muscles and the blood clot and activate certain enzymes and organize the work of some hormones.
It ranges blood calcium level between 5.8 to 3.10 mg per hundred ml of blood (1.2 to 6.2 mmol / liter).
50% of this figure (calcium) is free in the blood and is responsible for most of the functions and 0.45% protein carried on a private albumin (albumin) and 5% in the form of calcium citrate.
- Increase the level of calcium in the blood in the following cases:
• Hyper function of thyroid gland neighbor
• Some tumors that secrete chemicals that are similar to the thyroid gland hormone neighbor at her job
• Some bone tumors
• no movement for a long time
• increased intake of vitamin D.
- At least the level of calcium in the blood in the following cases:
• deficiencies in the function of the thyroid gland is under way
• A lack of vitamin "d" such as cases of rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults
• diseases leading to poor digestion and absorption
• Acute pancreatitis
• acute and chronic renal failure
• diarrhea fatty
Analysis of calcium in the urine also has value in certain situations, such as Akleniech cases of hyperthyroidism and thyroid function of the thyroid is under way.
 Natural ratio of calcium in the urine, ranging from 50-150 mg / 24 hours.
• low calcium diet food:
The best way to reduce the calcium is to drink at least three liters of fluid a day like tea, coffee, fruit juice, and stay away from drinking well water or regular water, which often contain a high concentration of calcium and it is best to drink healthy water and bottled, either foods is permitted they (cheese, milk, milk, cream, ice cream, sardines, shellfish, soy, Homs, liver, kidneys, chocolate, olives, okra, parsley, spinach, Khaddrmorkh, mussels, figs, lemon, orange acid, peach, Joseph Effendi, seeds, beans, nuts and nut).
@ Inorganic phosphorus Inorganic Phosphorus:
Phosphorus is a vital element is very important in the human body, where it enters with calcium in bone formation and there are also some types of proteins, fats and enters in the composition of some enzymes escorts Coenzymez
Some sources of energy stored in a composite image of a pregnant Energy ATP ATP
Ranging phosphorus levels in children between 4-7 mg per 100 ml of blood (3.1 to 3.2 mmol / L)
Ranging phosphorus level in adults between 3 - 4.5 mg per liter of blood (1 - 1.5 mmol / L)
Inorganic phosphate concentration in the blood is influenced by the function of the thyroid gland is under way, the work of vitamin D, the process of absorption of the bowel, kidney function and bone metabolism and nutrition.
- Rising levels of phosphorus in the blood in the following cases:
• acute and chronic renal failure
• hypothyroidism neighbor thyroid
• Taking vitamin "d" a large amount
• During the healing of fractures
- At least the level of phosphorus in the blood in the following cases:
• Hyper function of thyroid gland neighbor
• cases of rickets and osteomalacia
• cases of poor digestion and absorption
• rely on nutrition intravenously intravenously for a long time
• During recovery from sugar coma
• give insulin
@ Magnesium Magnesium - Mg ++:
Is the second element after intracellular potassium magnesium element, in addition to his participation in the bone formation it affects nerve and muscle excitation and response also has a major role in stimulating the work of some enzymes, and some of the symptoms of magnesium muscle cramps, weakness and lack of focus shortages.
 Ranges of magnesium in the blood level of between 8.1 to 5.3 mg / 100 ml of blood (0.9 - 1.75 mmol / L)
- Increase the level of magnesium in the blood in the following cases:
• acute and chronic renal failure
• overdose of magnesium treatment
• Liver diseases
• taking a large dose of glucose
• Balaaksalat poisoning
- At least the level of magnesium in the blood in the following cases:
• chronic diarrhea
• constant hunger
• Continuous intake of alcohol
• chronic hepatitis and liver laziness
• The use of drugs for urinary
• nutrition intravenously through a vein for a long time
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(Salmonella Test (Widal Test

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About the salmonella bacteria Summary of Salmonella:
Bacillary short bacilli, Gram-negative Gram negative bacilli, moving motile, do not be a non-capsulated capsule.
For salmonella bacteria more than 1,400 worshipers type serotypes, some can cause diseases to humans.
For salmonella bacteria several races the most important medically S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi which cause enteric fever, enteric fever
And the types of S. Typhimurium and S. Enteretidis that cause food poisoning and food poisoning colitis enterocolitis
And Type S. Choleraesuis which causes blood poisoning septicaemia
Serological properties Serological characters:
Salmonella bacteria contain three types of antigens and antigen are bacteria somatic body that is symbolized by the b (O antigen) and a whip flagellar and is symbolized by the B (H antigen) and the capsule (Portfolio) capsulate and symbolized by the (K antigen b)
These bacteria are resistant to the nurse natural immunity to the human body by preventing the phagocytosis and slurping and also secrete cm internal Endotoxin was excreted cm external Exotoxine
The principle of serological testing:
Testing conducted in a manner latex Latex Method, a sensitive way to a large extent if the test procedure under appropriate conditions are stacking direct method Direct Agglutination.
The principle of the test is to add antigens Reagent after treatment industrially to antibodies in the patient's serum agglutination Agglutination clearly going to happen with the naked eye.
Stacking the way for a better way of stacking the latex tubing segment but the ease and speed of conducting latex (slide) and also low cost him is prevalent when a lot of countries where this disease is endemic.
• should be noted Albroozon Prozone in the negative results of the test, where it is possible to give negative results, false False Negative due to the presence of high concentration of antibodies in the serum of competition for the link with antigens Reagent happen and thus stacking obviously does not happen, but avoid it work test to ease sample Dilution of sample until the amount of antibodies in the serum less and thus gives a good and clear results.
Vidal test Widal Test:

In this test is searched for anti own Salmonella antibodies of the type IgG and IgM in serum Serum patient, characterized by this test easily done and sensitivity if the testing work in a way to mitigate Dilution, and test Vidal is the species S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi only or the rest of the species it better disclosure in the manner of Agriculture Microbiology Laboratory, as I mentioned earlier, the test looks for antibodies formed from entering the antigens of the body affected and the most important of these antigens O antigen (body bacteria somatic) and H antigen (whip bacterial flagellar).
These antigens are several types of medically important for it to be disclosed to test Vidal, namely:
For O antigen are four types of OA and OB and OC, and OD
For H antigen are four types of HA and HB and HC and HD
Action procedure1 WidalTest test method:
Attend all solutions Reagents and patient samples (serum Serum) at room temperature.
2. placed 20 microliter of Positive control in the first chamber Well latex segment and 20 microliter of Negative control in the second room in order after the departure of the comparison test with Alkntrul results and ensure that the solutions Reagents safe and suitable for use.
3. uses eight compartments for each sample (there are eight types of antigen) by placing 20 microliter of serum Serum Well every room.
4. blends latex solutions containing antigens for all types of salmonella eight tumble then taken 40 microliter (one drop Drop) of it to each chamber containing the patient's serum.
5. Mix blends in a circular motion using the appropriate sticks.
6. latex slice placed on the Shaker rocking for 1-3 minutes stacking under suitable light shows and after this time is taken as a result of the start of the sample drought may lead to the emergence of false positive Positive False.
• (+): the occurrence agglutination Agglutination (Ab-Ag Reaction)
• (-): the lack of agglutination Non Agglutination (Ab-Ag Non Reaction)
• In the event of an agglutination Agglutination must be done to mitigate the sample Dilution of Sample:
• Preferably work to mitigate the pipes Tubes and placed in each tube 100 microliter of the Normal Saline and placed in the first tube 100 microliter of serum Serum sample and mix and transferred to the second tube 100 microliter and so to another tube in the dilution tubes then transferred from each tube 100 microliter to cabins in latex slice and add the solution Reagents all cabins Wells.
• The score another easing back of the positive interaction (+) as an end result of the test (the amount may vary and method of alleviating the manufacturer of another company).
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Analysis of CRP = C - Reactive Protein

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Has been discovered in the world of 1930, a protein Penta installation and talents (120KD) this protein found in human blood a few percent, which belongs to Alphglobulin category consists of the liver cells, and specifically in Hepatocytes cells, which does not refer to any specific satisfactory indication of any non-specific and is similar to the analysis ESR but the best of it because it is not affected by anemia or fibrinogen characterized this protein that has recipes Alglupulinat immune and thus has the ability to stacking and sedimentation.
And the normal rate for this protein in the blood: Less than 0.6 dl / mg blood.
Detection of this protein in large quantities and indicates that the patient is suffering from acute inflammation, and this helps the doctor to diagnose many medical conditions that cause high proportion of this protein in the blood:
1. Acute inflammation in the body.
2. rheumatoid arthritis RA.
3. rheumatic fever.
4. brucellosis.
5. malignancies.
6. Wolf erythema systemic SLE.
7. acute hepatitis.
8. myocardial infarction.
9. cell death.
10. gout.
And other pathological conditions.
- Work CRP test method:
1. attend all of the solutions, and the patient's serum (Serum) at room temperature.
2. placed 40 microliter of Positive Control in the first room on the latex segment and 40 microliter of Negative Control in the second chamber in order to work out after comparing the results to ensure the validity of the solutions.
3. placed 40 microliter of Serum patient in one room.
4. Adavo 40 microliter of latex solution (one drop) on the Positive Control and the Negative Control Serum and the patient.
5. blends in a circular motion using the appropriate sticks.
6. placed on the slide latex rocking Shaker for 1-3 minutes stacking appears under the light is not taken as a result after this time because it starts in the dry samples which may lead to a false positive agglutination Positive False.
• (+): the occurrence agglutination Agglutination (Ab-Ag Reaction).
• (-): agglutination Non Agglutination does not happen (Ab-Ag Non Reaction)

A picture of the details of CRP in the case of stacking and in the absence of stacking.
In the event of agglutination Agglutination is done easing to give a numeric result
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Autoantibody tests

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Anti Nuclear Antibodies:
Analysis of ANA an acronym Anti Nuclear Antibodies which is underneath each antibody for each component enters the nucleus, such as Anti DNA and other and be positive for people diagnosed with SLE, which is diagnostic of non-existence in the adverse event while in the positive case for the test is not a diagnostic No prove Infection with SLE but may stagnate the presence of the disease, and will be positive in some infections, such as chronic hepatitis chronic Active hepatitis colitis and cystic primary biliary primary biliary cirrhosis, and be the result of a negative test for non-infected people.

Anti Mitochondrial Antibodies:
Analysis of abbreviated b AMA always this test is required to confirm the diagnosis of cystic primary biliary occurrence of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis and the proportion is less and quality for Chronic Active Hepatitis and SLE and Rheumatoid Arthritis and the result is a negative test non-infected persons.
Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies:
ASMA be abbreviated as the positive dependents in cases of anemia and chronic hepatitis Chronic Active Hepatitis and be positive in the medium cases of acute hepatitis Acute Viral Hepatitis and chronic gastritis Chronic Gastric and be negative test result in the non-infected people.
- All of these tests are done in a manner immunofluorescence Indirect Indirect Immunofluorescent.
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Simple and concise introduction to the immune Immunity flag

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Definition of immune Definition of Immunity:
The body in response to each foreign substances (antigens) and sometimes some of the body's own components, and the disposal of foreign material and remove the harmfulness and its effects on the body.
HIV is mainly divided into two main types:
First, non-specific immune Non Specific Immunity:
Called natural immunity Natural Immunity which exists in the human since birth, which is slang immunity ie not specialized and quality against a specific object, but considered general immunity protects the body from the invasion of exotic material objects, such as attacking the white blood cells and various macrophage exotic organisms and microbes killed by some secretions such as secretions the stomach as well as the human skin, which is the largest defense point of the first point.

Second, specific immunity Specific Immunity:
It called acquired immune Acquired Immunity which arise as a result the body is exposed to a particular substance or microbe immunity and therefore the quality is composed against this object or any foreign substances No man since birth and it acquires during life.
Divided between specific (acquired) Specific Immunity (Acquired) into two types:
1. humoral immune Humoral Immunity:
They own immune B cells B Cells Immunity active formation of antibodies that are associated with materials and exotic objects and kill and prevent harm to the body.
- Antigens Antigens: UFOs are substances that enter the body and recognize them and resist and may succeed or not succeed enters the body in a satisfactory condition.
- Antibodies Antibodies: are protein molecules formed by the body as a result of exposure to antigens in order to eliminate the antigen (a substance or strange object) called antibodies also immune Balglupulinat Immunoglobuline divided Alglupulinat immune to these five species which is explained below:
A. IgG: Aker Alglupulinat is present in the blood by 80% and is the only globulin which crosses the placenta from mother to fetus is gradually increasing at the rump until it reaches the highest level at the age of 7 years, which is important in the fight against bacterial and viral infections.
B IgM: is the largest immune Alglupulinat where consists of five units the first Alglupulinat immune appears when exposure to any antigen and disguises himself with the emergence of IgG They are found in the blood and lymph fluid.
(C) IgA: do not know the function of this globulin completely, but he is away displays the body of many infectious diseases, and autoimmune diseases and found antibodies of the IgA in the areas of the body such as the nose and trachea and Digestive and ears and eyes and vagina. There are also IgA antibodies from the surface of the body that are exposed to foreign exotic materials protect the species. I also found this type of antibodies in saliva, tears and blood. There IgA in the body by about 10% to 15% of the antibodies in the body.
D. IgD: do not know her job well present in small quantities in the tissues lining the abdomen or chest.
E. IgE: I found IgE antibodies in the lungs, skin and mucous membranes. Cause the body's reaction to fight against external influences such as dust and dust-laden vaccine plants and fungus spores and animal dander. He spoke in sensitivity to milk and some medicines and some toxins. IgE antibody levels are often elevated in people who suffer from allergies.

Immunoglobuline - Alglupulinat
2. cellular immunity Cell Mediated Immunity:
They own immune T cell T Cells Immunity, who works on the composition of lymphoid cells that attack any strange object and substance in the body and include the following types:
A. Antigen Presenting Cells: They do not Monocytes and Macrophages and cells Langer Hans in the skin and other cells and this gnawing Alanejan or UFOs and put it on the surface and the ability of cells to the secretion of interleukin-1, or the so-called Interleukin1.
B Lymphocyte T Cells: are found in the blood of 80% of Lymphocyte cells and working on the analysis of cells infected with viruses and cancer cells also regulate the cells in the immune system works and is divided into two sections:
- Helper cells (T helper cells (Th: carry on their surface receptors CD3, CD2 and most important receptors is carried by CD4.
- Toxic cells (T cytotoxic cells (Te: and carry on their surface receptors CD3, CD2, CD8.
(C) Lymphocyte B Cells: are found in the blood by about 15% of Lymphocyte cells and contain surface Alglupulinat immune when union antigenic cell based cell process coverage and containment of the antigen in order to in order to enter into the cell antigen.
(D) Natural Killer Cells: cells are large granular lymphocyte Granular form a toxic cells against cells infected with viruses or cancer cells and others.
(F) Granular Leukocytes: include types Neutrophiles, Eosinophiles, Basophils This is an essential function of cells to defend the body and then to kill and destroy germs.

Cell Mediated Immunity - cellular immunity
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A home pregnancy test and laboratory HCG

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Pregnancy test (HCG hormone analysis) and analysis of home pregnancy and when the analysis shows the existence of pregnancy or not Urin Or Serum Pregnancy Test:
First: how fertilization and pregnancy happen ???
Pollination usually occurs there is an egg the time of ovulation or within 24 hours of the occurrence of ovulation and the presence of sperm where they can live sperm for up to 3-5 days, it is important fertilized egg in the first third of the fallopian tubes and then stay there about 3-4 days and is divided until you reach to stage the morula stage where the number of cells where the 8-32 cell and then start to move toward the uterus or womb hand and swim slowly until you reach after 72 hours. And in about the sixth day begin to rotate and hand part of it after Palangrac be divisions in the wall of the uterus to be the first link between the fertilized embryo and the lining of the uterus mother. This process is known Baltashah implantation and be the first link between the mother and the fetus earliest embryo-maternal interaction via the secretion of the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin and is the pregnancy that appears in the analysis HCG hormone and usually appears in the blood analysis first after the occurrence of fertilization and implantation directly to any of the 7 -10 days from the occurrence of ovulation or fertilization and pollination. And in the urine of post-pollination to occur approximately 10-14 days, depending on the sensitivity of your analysis. Where the exact measures the presence of the hormone in the urine at a lower rate for 20IUM / L.

- What is a home pregnancy analysis?
It is an analysis to investigate the presence of the pregnancy hormone hCG. In the urine, which is produced by the placenta in the first days of an indication of a pregnancy.
- When can perform this type of analysis?
Usually the result will not be until after ovulation OVULATION occurrence of the first show and then the occurrence of nesting IMPLANTATION after ovulation 7 days and will appear hormone proportion of first in the blood and then in the urine, so I prefer the work of analysis after about 10-12 of ovulation by cycle length among women on for example, if the session you have all 28 come on. this means that ovulation you have a day of the 14 in the event of pollination or fertilization nesting happens after B7-10hsp ovulation if advanced or delayed how many days or 14 +10 = 24 is the day of nesting and then the placenta begins to send the first signs of pregnancy, a pregnancy hormone hCG is usually a hormone rate in the first blood around the 25 mIU. After the occurrence of ovulation to 10 days in any 24 day of the session. From then doubling every two days, two days after up to 50mIU .. this day 12 of the occurrence of ovulation and is about day 26 of the cycle and be 100mIU. In the 16th day of the occurrence of ovulation, which is equivalent to today due to the descent of the 28th session of the course and be around 200mIU. Two days later, the day after the 30th session was delayed by two days and you can perform analysis after the session was delayed by two days because the majority of the types of pregnancy analysis be sensitive to the hormone pregnancy rate when the rate of 50mIU. But to avoid any error in the results and not knowing the time of ovulation correct accurately you can wait about a week to 10 days of delay in session until the result is final and be the hormone ratio has doubled and reached a level is questionable and also in cases of delayed ovulation may give incorrect results if examined early.
- How to conduct the analysis?
First, you should follow the instructions in the leaflet accompanying the device analysis in terms of time for the scheduled, and the time required for the emergence of the result.
Types of home pregnancy analysis devices
Types of home pregnancy analysis devices

Usually test is conducted by MID STREAM URINE. Which it is about to urinate at first for a few drops and then guide the test piece around the urethra for a period of 5 seconds until the sample absorb the amount of urine needed to perform the analysis.
Second: Preferably work analysis on the first morning when you wake up from sleep because the amount of the hormone be focused and give more accurate results.
Or wait for four hours after going to the bathroom to urinate. Whenever the time is longer than the date of ovulation or delayed session whenever you need less than a retention or not to go to the bathroom for less time, less than four hours, a time where the hormone concentration up and does not need to wait longer to assemble or constipation for urinating for a long time ...
- How to read the results of the analysis?
As I mentioned before must comply with the instructions with accompanying analysis newsletter and commitment on time and put the majority of the analyzes given time, one of the 5-10dakkaiq and should not waive the 10 minutes to 15 minutes at the latest.
The vast majority of home analysis devices contain two windows:
First window: Know window control CONTROL They give you information that way to show your procedure is correct when the show first.
Second window: You know the TEST result window. Regardless of the color and the thickness of the apparent line as long afternoon in time for the test even if the light means that there is carrying a positive result.
There are some tests contain negative or minus sign MINU - .or a positive plus PLUS + as a result of the analysis, where is considered a negative sign (-) is the absence of pregnancy, while the presence of the positive sign (+) regardless of how Darkening of the line is a sign of a positive pregnancy as long as the test was during the time allowed.
Here's my sister some of the questions that come to mind with the answers:
How accurate analysis of the home pregnancy?
Up tests accuracy or home pregnancy tests to 97-99%, depending on the type of test.
What is the most appropriate time to carry the domestic load analysis?
Most appropriate time, as I explained earlier after the occurrence of ovulation by about 7-14aom in the case of a woman who its regular follow-up to ovulation In the case of women who do not follow ovulation or late ovulation has may occur prefers to wait about a week of delayed session even have a hormone rate of pregnancy to the required level debut in the outcome of the analysis.
Analysis has been conducted and the result was negative but I came after an hour or more and watched another mistake very light Does this mean pregnancy?
There are two possibilities Warden:
First it you may be pregnant, but the pregnancy hormone ratio is not sufficient at the start of the pregnancy test was conducted early so you can re-test after b 3 days or even conduct blood tests for pregnancy hormone.
The second possibility was found a line known as EVAPORATION LINE is a line Steamed gives the result is positive with no load when you leave the analysis in excess of the time allowed to read the result. This means the absence of pregnancy and remains to re-test after 3 days as I mentioned.
Is a blood test is more accurate than urine analysis of the hormone pregnancy?
Yes it is the most accurate and there are two types of blood tests for hormone pregnancy:
1. gives you the result of a pregnancy or not is known as qualititative hCG. It is not more sensitive than urine analysis of the pregnancy hormone.
2. Second, a more accurate it gives you the percentage has doubled the amount of pregnancy hormone in the blood which confirms the existence of pregnancy and also the extent of progress and growth and is known as beta hCGquantitative blood test. More accurate than the first and is considered a urine analysis for pregnancy because it can measure the lowest rate of pregnancy hormone in the blood
Are fertility treatments and drugs affect the results of the analysis Kalklomad clomid, serophene, pergonal, humegon, follitisim, forti nex?
No, do not affect the result of a home pregnancy test analysis only needle explosive because they contain hormones similar to the pregnancy hormone hCG
Can I use a home pregnancy analysis after taking the needle explosive PREGNYL, NOVAREL, PROFASI?
Yes you can, but you have to wait about 7-14 days of the Hereafter needle took Depending on the dose:
You can do the analysis after taking 14 of about 10000IU
You can do the analysis after 10 days of taking about 5000IU
You can do the analysis after 7 days of taking about 2,500 of the needle
Are you taking progesterone pill affect the outcome of pregnancy?
Because it does not affect the hormone is another hormone pregnancy is different about him.
DOES taking antibiotics or drugs to older pain on the result of the analysis?
Do not affect any medications turn a blind eye kind or uses of whether antibiotics or painkillers or pills and other contraceptives on the result of the emergence of the analysis.
Does the presence of inflammation in the urine affects pregnancy outcome analysis?
No, it does not affect.
Does stress affect the outcome of the analysis?
No, it does not affect.
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